Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chop and Donate!

It's that time again...
It has been about 3 years since I chopped my hair off and donated it. Now that it's super long again, it's that time again! I donated my hair to a wonderful organization called Locks of Love. They make hair pieces for kids under age 18 who have long term medical hair loss. Your donation needs to be at least 10 inches long to go towards making a hair piece, but you can donate any length of hair. They sell the shorter hair that is donated to offset the costs involved in making the hair pieces.

I get bored with my hair being the same after a while and like to change it up every few years. A friend of mine told me about this great organization and introduced me to donation. Now I look forward to it! Donating your hair is a great excuse to make a change too! If my friend can educate me on this organization and inspire me to donate, I hope to do the same for someone else. It's amazing the difference we can make in each other's lives with even something seemingly small as a hair donation.

The other great part about this is that my 3 year-old is now old enough to understand more about what I'm doing. It's amazing how kids react to helping other kids in need. Now L says, "I want to cut my hair and give it to those little girls who are sick." Precious!
